Sunday, March 25, 2007

' hello~

Hello~ =) Another week just ended and thus, the holidays are officially over (for almost all the TF'ers) But fear not, 'cause in a blink of an eye, it would be like what, christmas holidays again. =p *or maybe mid-term holidays ^^ *

Yes, with Gabriel currently busy with his school and studies (i think); looks like I'm the only one currently updating this blog. =D

As far as I know, I suppose that none of the TF teachers actually know that we have a blog here right? Whoa~ what a fit they'll get when they know about it (i suppose =p)

Anyway, i think if it's alright with the other post-masters of this blog, I think there are some people out there who would love to contribute something to this blog, *hint*hint* someone who has been dropping ideas in our cbox*=D

If you want to contribute to this Teenage Fellowship blog, where we share ideas, encourage each other, spiritually build each-other up and solve each other's problems, feel free to email me, and I'll be happy to send the username and password to you. =D


But basically my main point of posting is to see your opinions towards this layout that our fellow neighbor, May Anne has made

May Anne is from the English youth section [YF] and is inspired by our TF blog? =D So to kick some time off from doing all those homework, she actually designed a layout for us!! =D Nice eyy?

She did a demo-blog [specially-made demo-blog] for us to view. Here's the link :

Go check it out now and please leave comments on considering to changing our layouts or not. =D

p/s: do please don't give any comments on the picture on the right side of the demo-blog. =p Take note that it's just a demo. ;) If you guys really consider on changing the layout, then I'll try to get a TF 'family' photo and let May Anne do her thing =D


karen :)

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